Thursday, February 5, 2009

Things Not To Say to a Woman

I get it. I'm ordering a large entree. But seriously....

The location: Pasado's Restaurant

We had just returned from visiting the in-laws and were staying with my folks for a day or so before returning home. Me, hubby, and baby were having dinner with my folks. The waiter takes my Mom's order, then my Dad's, then mine then starts to walk away. Hubby says, "Excuse Me, but you didn't get my order."

The waiter then looks at me and says, "Oh, she ordered such a large entree, I thought you were sharing!"

Ummm, no. That'd be ALL for me. I'm eating for two still... actually, I'm eating more now than when I was pregnant. This nursing this is awesome. I realize it was a large entree, but you don't look at a girl and say, "Are you going to eat the WHOLE thing?"

Way to blow your chance at a tip there buddy.

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